Here’s to 2010–and to all of You!

2010 was an amazing year for me both personally and professionally.

If you’ve been following my blog, you probably already know what some of the highs were, so rather than recounting them, I thought I’d take a moment instead to say “thank you.”

Thank you to my family and in particular my wife Carol whose love and support have buoyed me through the good times and bad…

Thank you to old friends for their lasting friendship and good cheer when I needed the boost..

Thank you to new friends (including those of you on Twitter I have not yet met in person) who have graciously welcomed me into their tribes…

Thank you to my fellow classmates from the Clarion West Workshop–you are continuing sources of encouragement and inspiration, and I’m glad to be on the journey with you…

Thank you to my instructors and mentors from Clarion West–I am still learning from your mighty examples…

Thank you to other mentors in the Writing World for their words of wisdom–those I have met and those I have yet to meet…

…and finally, Thank you to everyone who reads my blog or follows my Tweets. I’m grateful to be in conversation with all of you.

May your 2011 be fantastic. So far, mine’s shaping up pretty nicely. Stay tuned!