A Sale, A Book, and an Anniversary

I end up sharing good news so often via Twitter & Facebook, that my poor blog often gets neglected. It seems almost a shame to lump lots of good news into one blog entry, but I’ve got several things to share today.

First of all, I’m pleased to announce I’ve sold a story to James Sutter at Paizo for their Pathfinder Tales series. It’s called “The Fate of Falling Stars” and it starts running in February. I’m very excited about this one, and it was a blast playing in Golarion. It feels like coming home in a way, because along with books like The Hobbit and A Wizard of Earthsea, it was RPGs that really whetted my appetite for fantasy and worldbuilding. Being able to contribute a tiny bit back to the kind of game world that inspired me is a real pleasure. Many thanks for the opportunity, James!

I also wanted to boost the signal on Innsmouth Free Press’ Fungi anthology. it’s available for pre-order right now in several flavors (ebook, paperback, bonus edition hardback). I’m thrilled to have my story “Last Bloom on the Sage” in the TOC with so many great authors, and I can’t wait to get my copy.

Finally, five years ago today, I started at DreamWorks Animation Studios. I don’t often talk about work on my blog, but I wanted to be sure and celebrate this milestone. Long term gigs are hard to find in this industry, let alone projects that are as exciting, challenging, and rewarding as the films I’ve worked on during my time here. I’m surrounded by some of the best artists and storytellers in the world, and proud to be working alongside them. Thanks, DWA.